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MD Financial Management Multi-Year Accessibility Plan
2023– 2026

Statement of commitment

MD Financial Management Inc. and its subsidiaries collectively known as MD Financial Management is committed to providing the best possible service to our clients, including people with disabilities. MD Financial Management is also committed to providing an inclusive workplace for our employees. To us that means ensuring that clients and employees with disabilities are respected for who they are, that employees can reach their full potential, and that clients can access MD Financial Management’s services in a manner that respects dignity and independence.

MD Financial Management is committed to meeting the objectives and requirements outlined in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (the “AODA”), and to meeting the accessibility needs of persons with disabilities in a timely manner, through the implementation of the requirements of the AODA and its applicable regulations.

MD Financial Management believes in integration and equitable opportunity through a diverse and inclusive environment, and is committed to identifying, preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting accessibility requirements.

This multi-year Accessibility Plan outlines the steps MD Financial Management is taking to identify, prevent and remove barriers to accessibility and to improve opportunities for people with disabilities.

What we plan to do

This section of the Accessibility Plan outlines MD Financial Management’s commitment to achieving accessibility standards in the next three years. Those initiatives include:

For our clients:

  • Create a web content accessibility program that enables and empowers employees to create accessible documents and web content.
  • Establish a governance model for websites and web content on public sites.
  • Establish enterprise digital accessibility metrics to measure maturity and performance.
  • Conduct a current state study to find out how to integrate accessibility requirements into existing end-to-end procurement process.
  • Update the mandatory e-learning (Rethinking Accessibility) to align with policy and process updates and offer to employees globally.

For our employees:

  • Increase the representation of People with Disabilities (PWD) by 20 per cent. (2025)
  • Advance the People with Disabilities Employment Equity Plan to remove barriers related to attraction, retention, and development of employees with disabilities. (2025)
  • Implement an Accessibility Operating Model with a focused approach to delivering services, developing talent, and building an inclusive and accessible environment for employees with It integrates accessibility into our employment practices. (2026)
  • Conduct hiring programs with community partners to increase representation of persons with disabilities. Two initiatives are currently in progress focused on hiring of people with vision loss and cognitive disabilities. (2024)

These dates are estimates and actual completion dates may vary.

What we are doing to meet existing accessibility standards and identify and remove accessibility barriers

Over the last few years, MD Financial Management has significantly invested in developing accessibility capabilities. In this plan, we build on our strengths, reflect on our progress, and respond to feedback from our clients and employees.

We believe that having a shared vision and a strategic approach to accessibility across the organization will lead to better results for our clients and our employees.

Employee Experience

MD Financial Management is committed to being an employer of choice by driving a proactive, sustainable culture of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.

This means making sure that employees with disabilities are respected for who they are, that employees can reach their full potential, and that employees with disabilities can access MD Financial Management’s services in a manner that respects dignity and independence. We do this through strategic initiatives that look to remove barriers and increase inclusion and equitable representation of employees with disabilities at all levels and areas of the organization.

Some of our initiatives include:

  • Workplace Accommodation is partnered with the Talent Acquisition team to update our recruitment protocols related to accommodations. Recruiters now follow a new workflow with accommodation reference Members of the Talent Acquisition team receive quarterly training to make the candidate’s accommodation experience better.
  • We launched training to help managers talk about mental health and support the mental well-being of their direct reports. By reducing the stigma around common mental health concerns like depression and anxiety, staff are given practical tools to provide the support needed to focus on employees’ well- being. We increased mental health benefits from $3,000 to $10,000 per person per This is a market-leading benefit to support the mental health of employees and their families.


MD Financial Management aims to increase employee knowledge, skills, and understanding of accessibility through training that offers timely and continuous learning in many formats. Our approach promotes an inclusive culture and equips MD Financial Management employees to take accountability to make sure that their work is inclusive and accessible.

  • We continue to deliver a mandatory e-learning course called Rethinking Accessibility that provides employees with a better understanding of accessibility.
  • We are working to reduce the stigma around mental health concerns such depression and anxiety. Our people managers were trained to have those important mental health discussions and support the well-being of their direct reports. They have been given practical tools to accommodate mental health disabilities.

Client Experience

MD Financial Management is committed to providing accessible customer service to people with disabilities. This means that we will provide goods and services to people with disabilities with the same high quality and timeliness as others.

Information & Communications

We believe that everyone should receive efficient, accessible and equal access to barrier-free information. We strive to ensure that MD Financial Management information and communications are accessible by all.

Accessible Websites

MD Financial Management is dedicated to making our websites accessible for clients regardless of ability, context or situation. We believe websites can and should be barrier-free and that good design should reflect the diversity of the people who interact with it. Consistent with this commitment, MD Financial Management has taken the following steps:

  • Continued conformance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) for public facing websites, applications and digital content;
  • The Global Wealth Management accessibility program was established to ensure focused and customized efforts are made towards achieving digital accessibility goals across the Global Wealth Management businesses including MD Financial Management. The program has three workstreams – one for websites, the second for web content (PDFs, media files ) and the third to support ongoing sustainment of accessibility in digital client experiences.

Accessible Spaces

MD Financial Management is committed to providing accessible spaces for clients and employees. This is achieved by complying with applicable legislation and building codes across Canada. Not only do physical spaces help us build barrier free spaces, but they help us build spaces that are inclusive.

MD Financial Management also ensures it complies with applicable accessibility laws and regulations when building or making major changes to public spaces. Further in the event of a service disruption, we will notify the public of the service disruption and alternatives available.

Review Process

Over the next few years, we will continue to meet legislative and regulatory requirements, including making updates to this and other accessibility policies as necessary and submitting compliance reports to the appropriate regulators.

Feedback Process

MD Financial Management welcomes feedback from our clients, employees, and members of the public on our Accessibility Plan, our products and services, or accessibility barriers you experience when dealing with MD Financial Management.

You can visit the Accessibility page on our MD Financial Management website that contains a web form to provide feedback.  

For more information

For more information on this accessibility plan, please visit the Accessibility page on our MD Financial Management website.

Accessible formats of this document will be made available upon request.