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Strengthen your portfolio with Platinum

Access a world of opportunities with the new MD Platinum™ Global Private Real Estate 2025 Trust.

Talk to an MD advisor*

Introducing an exclusive offering for today’s physician investor

As markets evolve, so do we — designing and delivering new investment products to add value and help our clients keep reaching their financial goals. Investing in private real estate can counter market shifts, help navigate fluctuating market conditions and hedge against inflation. This investment, geared toward longer-term horizons, may enhance, diversify and strengthen portfolios — targeting returns above public market equivalents.

Potential for strong long-term performance and diversification

The MD Platinum™ Global Private Real Estate 2025 Trust is offered exclusively to physicians and their families to help them meet their financial goals and provide financial peace of mind. Take advantage of this exclusive, limited-time opportunity by July 31, 2025.

Offers non-traditional investment strategies usually reserved for large institutional investors

Access to a world of global real estate opportunities to diversify and strengthen portfolios

Low minimum investment for access to institutional-level private real estate investment strategies (US$25,000 minimum)

Powered by partnerships with world-class private real estate asset managers with boots-on-the-ground knowledge of local markets

What if you could use private real estate to strengthen your investment strategy?
See the full MD Platinum™ disclaimer associated with this offering

Learn more about our new private real estate offering

MD Platinum™ has successfully launched several private asset offerings in the past, with this latest product being the fifth solution since 2018.

The MD Platinum™ Global Private Real Estate 2025 Trust will include access to a diverse portfolio of properties from around the world, focusing on a global opportunity set that includes industrial use property, logistics, offices, retail space, urban housing and more. This investment opens up a whole new world of exciting possibilities for individual investors to tap into a global market estimated to be around USD 8.5 trillion.1

MD Financial Management is proud to offer physicians this unique and exclusive opportunity to take advantage of sophisticated, non-traditional investment strategies that have the potential to grow your wealth over the long term.

Additional resources

What is private real estate? | Private real estate FAQ

Thinking about adding private real estate to your investment portfolio? Learn the characteristics of private real estate investment and if it's right for you.

Read article

Episode 39: Convenient exposure to a diversified global private real estate investment

We discuss the unique opportunity in global private real estate — covering what it is, how it works, the benefits of adding it to your portfolio and more.

Listen now

Previously offered MD Platinum™ pools

These offerings are no longer accepting subscribers.

Transform your investment strategy.

The Trust offers MDPIC clients exposure to non-traditional, private equity strategies typically only available to institutional investors. This sophisticated investment targets long-term wealth growth through increased portfolio diversification with potentially enhanced returns relative to public market equivalents. This is MDPIC’s second private equity offering since 2018.

Bond-like stability. Equity-like returns.

The MD Private Investment Counsel (MDPIC) MD Platinum™ Global Private Credit Pool is an exclusive, institutional-quality investment solution that provides the potential for increased returns with the stability of fixed income.

MD Platinum™ Global Real Estate Pool is the first physician-focused investment solution in Canada from the BentallGreenOak Strategic capital Partners LLC (“BGO SCP”). It is a sophisticated, institutional-grade global private real estate investment opportunity from world-class investment managers that has the potential to diversify your portfolio, mitigate risk and increase your wealth over the long term.

MD logo Bentall Green Oak logo

Blackrock logo

The MD Platinum Global Private Equity Pool, our initial offering, provides existing MD Platinum account clients with exposure to companies that are not publicly owned, quoted or traded on a stock exchange through the expertise and leadership of BlackRock®, Inc.

With the introduction of MD Platinum, MD Financial Management brought institutional-level private equity investment strategies to Canadian retail discretionary investment accounts.

* MD Advisor refers to an MD Management Limited Financial Consultant or Investment Advisor (in Quebec), or an MD Private Investment Counsel Portfolio Manager.

1 MSCI, NCREIF, NAREIT, J.P. Morgan Asset Management; data as of December 2023; via J.P. Morgan, Strategic Investment Advisory Group: The role of public and private strategies in real estate.

The information contained herein provides key information about the respective MD Platinum™ funds and is not intended to be taken by and should not be taken by any individual recipient as investment advice, a recommendation to buy, hold or sell any security, or an offer to sell or a solicitation of offers to purchase any security. The Platinum investments described in this document are subject to additional terms and conditions set out in the Platinum investments’ operative agreements and regulatory suitability requirements as considered by your Portfolio Manager, MD Private Investment Counsel, an operating division of MD Financial Management Inc.  The Platinum investments’ operative agreements will also set out additional information about the investment objective, terms and conditions of such fund, tax information and risk disclosure that are a material terms regarding a fund. Any investment in a Platinum investment would be speculative and would involve significant risks. Employees of the MD Group of Companies are not authorized to make any determination of a client’s U.S. status or tax filing obligations, whether foreign or domestic. The fund is intended for individuals that have a discretionary managed account with MD Private Investment Counsel.

Management fees and expenses associated with investing in MD Platinum™ private funds may be higher than fees and expenses in public security funds.  No guarantee or representation is made that any MD Platinum™ private investment fund offered will achieve its investment objective.

There are additional risks associated with investing in private investments that are not applicable to typical investments in the public securities markets. These risks include, but are not limited to, the following: private investment funds are speculative and involve a high degree of risk; an investor could lose all or a substantial amount of their investment; interests in private real estate investments are illiquid and there is no secondary market nor is one expected to develop for interests in such investments; there are significant restrictions on transferring private real estate investments; private real estate investments experience volatile performance; private real estate funds are often concentrated and lack diversification and regulatory oversight. Leverage may be employed, which can make investment performance volatile. Real estate investments are sensitive to factors such as changes in real estate values and property taxes, interest rates, cash flow of underlying real estate assets, supply and demand and a manager’s skill as well as credit risks and tax and regulatory requirements.

BGO Capital (Canada) Inc. is a subsidiary of BentallGreenOak (Canada) Limited Partnership © 2024. All rights reserved. MD Platinum™ is a trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia, used under licence. MD Financial Management provides financial products and services, the MD Family of Funds and investment counselling services through the MD Group of Companies and Scotia Wealth Insurance Services Inc. For a detailed list of the MD Group of Companies visit md.ca and visit scotiawealthmanagement.com for more information on Scotia Wealth Insurance Services Inc.

Certain information contained herein constitutes “forward-looking statements.” Due to various risks and uncertainties, actual events or results may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated in such forward-looking statements. As a result, the recipient should not rely on such forward-looking statements. No representation or warranty is made as to future performance or such forward-looking statements.

The information contained in this document is not intended to offer foreign or domestic taxation, legal, accounting or similar professional advice, nor is it intended to replace the advice of independent tax, accounting or legal professionals. Incorporation guidance is limited to asset allocation and integrating corporate entities into financial plans and wealth strategies. Any tax-related information is applicable to Canadian residents only and is in accordance with current Canadian tax law including judicial and administrative interpretation. The information and strategies presented here may not be suitable for U.S. persons (citizens, residents or green card holders) or non-residents of Canada, or for situations involving such individuals.