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MD Private Investment Counsel - Regulatory Information

MD Private Investment Counsel Relationship Disclosure

MD Financial Management Inc. (MDFM) believes the best way to help you meet your financial goals, and for us to keep serving you as a valued client, is to provide you with access to advice and investments in a way that best suits your needs. We want to help you save and invest in the way that is most comfortable for you in the changing environment in which we live. We think we can do this most successfully if we each know what to expect from the other. For this reason, we would like you to have a good understanding of the services we offer, the features of your accounts and how they operate, and our responsibilities to you.

MD Private Investment Counsel Relationship Disclosure

MD Private Investment Counsel Conflicts of Interest Disclosure

Actual, potential and perceived conflicts of interest arise where an action or decision by someone has the effect of benefiting an individual or a group of people at the expense of others. Such conflicts exist in almost all human interactions and will arise from time to time. MD Financial Management Inc. (MDFM) has policies and procedures in place to address the handling of conflicts of interest. They are outlined in this document.

MD Private Investment Counsel Conflicts of Interest Disclosure