MD Management Limited - Regulatory Information
The documents listed below will provide you with a better understanding of the account relationship and services provided by MD Management Limited, the importance of the client information you provide to your advisor, and any potential conflicts of interest.
If you have any questions about these regulations, or the documents we’ve referenced, please contact us by calling the toll-free number 1 800 267-2332, or by writing to us at MD Management Limited, 1870 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa ON K1G 6R7.
MD Management Limited Relationship Disclosure
MD Management Limited (MDM) believes the best way to help you meet your financial goals, and for us to keep serving you as a valued client, is to provide you with the account type(s) you want and access to investments in a way that best suits your needs. We want to help you save and invest in the way that is most comfortable for you in the changing environment in which we live. For this reason, we would like you to have a good understanding of the products and services we offer; the features of your account(s) and how it/they operate(s); and our responsibilities to you.
MD Management Limited Relationship Disclosure
MD Management Limited Conflicts of Interest Disclosure
Actual, potential and perceived conflicts of interest arise where an action or decision by someone has the effect of benefiting an individual (including him or her) or a group of people at the expense of others. MD Management Limited (MDM) has policies and procedures in place to address the handling of conflicts of interest. They are outlined in this document.
MD Management Limited Conflicts of Interest Disclosure
MD Management Limited Account Information Guide
A document that contains the terms and conditions of your account.
MD Management Limited Account Information Guide
MD ExO Direct Relationship Disclosure
The MD ExO® Direct Program (program) by MD Management Limited allows us to offer you the convenience of having your investments managed through a discretionary managed account, with easy online set-up and the ability to monitor your investments through a dedicated secure portal on our website. The Relationship Disclosure, MD ExO Direct: Your Managed Account provides a good understanding of the services we offer, the features of your MD ExO Direct Account and how it operates, and our responsibilities to you. Please review to learn more about this program.
MD Exo relationship disclosure
MD ExO Direct Conflicts of Interest Disclosure
Canadian securities laws require us to take reasonable steps to identify and respond to material conflicts of interest in your best interest. We also are required to tell you about them, including how the conflicts might impact you and how we address them in your best interest. Please find more information in the document linked below.
MD Management Limited. Member – Canadian Investor Protection Fund.