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Consent to electronic delivery of documents

Delivery process

I understand that the statement(s), annual reports, tax slips and trade confirmations (“Account Documents”) that I select for electronic delivery only (“Selected Account Documents”) will be madeavailable in the secure login section of the MD Online website. Whether posted online or delivered by regular mail, Account Documents will be delivered at approximately the same time.

Electronic retrieval

Account Documents are posted as PDF files that can be downloaded and/or viewed online.

Software requirements

Adobe Reader (free software).

Requesting a paper copy

I may receive from the deliverer a paper copy of any documents delivered electronically at no cost if I so request by contacting the deliverer through my local MD office.

Document availability

Account Documents are available from July 2009. Account Documents produced prior to September 2012 will not display the account name in the statement list screen.

Maintaining confidentiality

I understand that any email communications related to Account Document delivery will not contain any confidential information. More information on how we protect your information can be found in our Privacy Policy.

Revoking or changing consent

I understand that my consent may be revoked or changed, including any change in the email address to which communications are delivered, at any time. I can make that change through the webpage where Account Documents can be viewed or by notifying the deliverer through my local MD office.

Joint Accounts

I understand that where I am a joint account holder, viewing Account Documents through MD Online is currently only available for the primary account holder (client under whose shareholder number the account was opened). I understand that any change made to the method of Account Document delivery by either a) the account holder with whom I share joint account ownership, or, b) for statements, any other individual with whom I share consolidated account statements, will result in a corresponding change to my chosen method of Account Document delivery.

Non-Personal Accounts

Please note that suppression of mailed Account Documents for non-personal accounts, such as investment accounts for corporations, is not currently available. Should you elect to receive your Account Documents for your personal accounts electronically, you will continue to receive Account Documents for non-personal accounts by mail. Account Documents can be viewed through MD Online based on access to the entity (corporation). Individuals who are signatories for the entity will be able to view the entity’s Account Documents online.

The email address provided will be used for online communications. I understand that MD Management does not monitor email activity and will not be responsible for lost or undelivered emails. As a user of this service, I am responsible to ensure that the email address provided is up to date and accurate.