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Dispute handling procedures

At MD Financial Management, we pride ourselves on the quality of the products and service we deliver to our members. However, instances may arise where there are problems with your accounts or your requests. When a problem occurs, the earlier you contact us, the faster we can begin working on a solution. In order to facilitate resolving your concern, we recommend you follow these suggestions:

  • Gather all supporting documents and relevant information regarding your concern.
  • Pay special attention to the dates of the occurrence and the names of the employees involved.
  • Clearly define what action you would like us to take.
  • Contact the MD Financial Management company that is directly responsible for the product or service in question (please use the grid below to determine who you should be contacting).
  • Please keep in mind that requests which you wish us to formally address or correct must be in writing.

If you are having difficulty in finding the appropriate person or company you should be addressing your concern to or need further information to contact the individual, you can contact MD Client Services for assistance at 1 800 267-4022.

Complaints procedures contact grid

Our goal is to be able to resolve all member issues and concerns through our own internal escalation processes. However, should a situation not be resolved to your satisfaction through our own internal means, we have also included information for external dispute resolution resources.

Please let us know when we have not met your expectation so that we can improve our products and services to meet your needs.

Complaints procedures / information. My complaint involves my:

Your MD Management Limited advisor (see your statement)

If unresolved, please contact:
Your Regional Manager (see your statement)

You may also contact:
Mr. James Rudderham
Designated Complaints Officer
MD Management Limited
1870 Alta Vista Dr.
K1G 6R7
1 800 267-4022 ext. 1291

If unresolved, you may contact the Customer Complaints Appeals Office:
Customer Complaints Appeals Office
44 King St. W.,
Toronto, ON
M5H 1H1
1 800 785-8772 | Fax: 1 866 787-7061
1 800 267-4022 ext. 1291

If unresolved, you may also contact the following external resolution resources:
Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI)
20 Queen Street West, Suite 2400
Toronto, ON
M5H 3R3
1 888 451-4519

Who Regulates Us
Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO)
40 Temperance Street, Suite 2600
Toronto, Ontario
M5H 0B4
1 877 442-4322

Authorité des marchés financiers (AMF)
Place de la Cité
tour Cominar 2640, boulevard Laurier, bureau 400
Québec, QC G1V 5C1
1 418 525-0337

Your MD Management Limited advisor (see your statement)

If unresolved, please contact:
Your Regional Manager (see your statement)

You may also contact:
Mr. James Rudderham
Designated Complaints Officer
MD Life Insurance Company
1870 Alta Vista Dr.
Ottawa, ON
K1G 6R7
1 800 267-4022 ext. 1291

If unresolved, you may also contact the following external resolution resources:
ADR Chambers Banking Ombuds Office
P.O. Box 1006
31 Adelaide St. E. Toronto ON M5C 2K4
1 888 802-8888

If you have concerns about MDLife’s complaint handling process, you can contact the FCAC:
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC)
427 Laurier Avenue West, 6th Floor
Ottawa, ON
K1R 1B9
1 866 461-3222

What types of complaints does FCAC deal with?

Who Regulates Us
Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI)
255 Albert Street
12th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0H2
Telephone: 1-800-385-8647
Local information number (Ottawa-Gatineau): (613) 943-3950

Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC)
427 Laurier Avenue West, 6th Floor
Ottawa, ON
K1R 1B9
1 866 461-3222

Your MD Portfolio Manager (MD Private Investment Counsel)

Alternatively, you can send your complaint directly to:
Regulatory Complaints and Investigations Department
4 King Street West, 12th Floor
Toronto, ON M5H 1B6
Email: MDcomplaints@scotiabank.com

MD will investigate your complaint and respond back to you with the results of the investigation, in most cases, within 90 days of receipt of the complaint.

If you are not satisfied with the response, you may refer your complaint to:
Customer Complaints Appeals Office (CCAO)
44 King Street West
Toronto, ON
M5H 1H1
1 800 785-8772 | Fax: 1 866 787-7061
Email: ccao@scotiabank.com

If you are not satisfied with the Customer Complaints Appeals Office response, you can escalate your complaint to the following external resolution resource:
Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI)
20 Queen Street West, Suite 2400
Toronto, ON
M5H 3R3
1 888 451-4519
Email: ombudsman@obsi.ca

You may also escalate to OBSI directly without referring to the CCAO if you are not satisfied with our initial complaint response or if we did not respond to your complaint within 90 days.

For residents of Quebec, if you are not satisfied with our initial complaint response, you may refer your complaint to:

Authorité des marchés financiers (AMF)
Place de la Cité Tour Cominar
2640, Laurier Boulevard, bureau 400
Québec (Québec) G1V 5C1
1 418 525-0337

Quebec Residents (Additional External Complaint Resolution Resources):

Authorité des marchés financiers (AMF)
Place de la Cité
tour Cominar 2640, boulevard Laurier, bureau 400
Québec, QC G1V 5C1
1 418 525-0337

Additional Internal Resources:

Privacy Related Concerns:
MD Financial Management
1870 Alta Vista Dr.
Ottawa, ON K1G 6R7
1 800 267-4022

For MD TradeCentre complaints:
Elie Semaan
Manager, MD TradeCentre
1 800 267-4022 | x 1252

Contact Us

If you are having difficulty finding the appropriate contact to address your concern, call MD Client Services at:
1 800 267-4022