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Compound growth calculator

See how much interest you can earn on your investments over time with compound growth, and calculate the total value of your investment over time to see what it will take to meet your investment goal.
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We provide tailored services for the financial journey of physician families.

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Compound growth chart

Total value of your investment:


Your plan
Your contributions:$ 0
Your compounded returns:$ 0
Total value of your investment:$ 0
Your plan
You need to invest  monthly to reach your goal of  by .

This tool calculates the value of your investment at the frequency of the compounding period that you choose. Any additional contributions are applied immediately at the beginning of the period. Detailed results are displayed by year, regardless of the contribution or compounding frequencies you select. If you have selected a target date where the final year is partial (for example, your target date is two years and three months from now), the final year displayed in the results may appear to grow at a slower rate, but that is only because it is not a full year.

This tool is intended to show growth of investments before income tax is applied.

This calculator rounds to the nearest dollar.

* MD Advisor refers to an MD Management Limited Financial Consultant or Investment Advisor (in Quebec).