Net Worth Calculator
Tell us about yourself
What you own, including liquid assets like cash, investment assets such as securities, retirement assets including pensions, and personal assets such as a home or a vehicle. Do not include leased assets, such as a vehicle you are leasing from a dealer. For joint assets, enter the amount attributable to you.
What you owe, including lines of credit, credit cards, student loans and mortgages. For joint liabilities, enter the amount attributable to you.
Net Worth
Results | |
Total assets: | $0 |
Total liabilities: | $0 |
Total net worth: | $0 |
Your net worth is $0 the average compared to other Canadian households.
Compare your net worth to other Canadians
The family unit net worth data provided in this calculator has been estimated from the Statistics Canada Survey of Financial Security (SFS), 2012. The family unit includes economic families (groups of two or more persons who live in the same household and are related by blood, marriage, common-law or adoption), as well as unattached individuals (a person living alone or with others to whom they’re unrelated).
1. Net worth includes employer-sponsored registered pension plans valued on a termination basis.
2. Includes family units with a net worth of $0.
All dollar figures are in Canadian funds, and this calculator does not have functionality to account for foreign exchange.
This calculator rounds to the nearest dollar.
The information presented here is not intended to offer foreign or domestic taxation, legal, accounting or similar professional advice, nor is it intended to replace the advice of independent tax, accounting or legal professionals. Incorporation guidance is limited to asset allocation and integrating corporate entities into financial plans and wealth strategies. Any tax-related information is applicable to Canadian residents only and is in accordance with current Canadian tax law including judicial and administrative interpretation. The information and strategies presented here may not be suitable for U.S. persons (citizens, residents or green card holders) or non-residents of Canada, or for situations involving such individuals. Employees of the MD Group of Companies are not authorized to make any determination of a client’s U.S. status or tax filing obligations, whether foreign or domestic. MD Financial Management provides financial products and services, the MD Family of Funds and investment counselling services through the MD Group of Companies. Banking products and services are offered by National Bank of Canada through a relationship with MD Management Limited. Credit and lending products are subject to credit approval by National Bank of Canada. All life-licensed MD employees have life licences with MD Life Insurance Company and Scotia Wealth Insurance Services Inc., a CMA company. MD Financial Management Inc. is owned by the Canadian Medical Association.

Want to make the most of your net worth?
An MD Advisor* can help you meet your goals with a comprehensive financial plan and guidance on investments, banking and borrowing, insurance, estate and trust, and incorporation.
* MD Advisor refers to an MD Management Limited Financial Consultant or Investment Advisor (in Quebec).