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Enhance your wealth

We’re dedicated to the financial well-being of physicians and their families — so you can enjoy the future you’ve been planning for.

Let’s get started

Exclusively for physicians and their families

Physician households trust MD Financial Management (MD) to understand and anticipate their financial needs. Why? Because physician households are different from those of other Canadian professionals. You, your family, your career — your journey is unique. And we get that; providing physician-focused advice is what we do.

Working with MD

We understand your career in medicine. We understand the finances of physician families. We also understand that your financial needs and priorities shift throughout your career — from funding medical school to relocating, then starting to practise, repaying debt, deciding whether to incorporate, buying a home, saving for children and for your retirement, making decisions about philanthropy and more.

A deep discovery of your situation, including your work situation, your personal views and preferences and your life goals

Personalized services — created with input from you — to help you with financial management, tax, investing, retirement, insurance and estate planning

A team approach: your MD Advisor* can work with specialists in insurance and estate and trust as well as your legal and tax advisors to provide a complete financial plan

Collaborating with your immediate family to simplify financial planning, ensuring that you take advantage of any available opportunities

Our advice is tailored to your specific needs, from building to preserving wealth

MD Advisors’ priority is enabling your success and financial well-being through curating solutions that align with your goals and needs — providing objective financial planning for your future.1

Our Advisors don’t just learn about your financial needs; they get to know you to serve you better — learning about you personally and professionally to understand your values, priorities and challenges.

MD has been helping physicians like you achieve financial peace of mind since 19692

Our commitment to physicians

MD Financial Management (MD) is the only national financial services firm committed to the financial well-being of Canada’s physicians and their families. To ensure our products and services consistently align with what matters to you most, we knew we needed to better understand the circumstances you experience throughout your career.

That’s why we launched the MD Physician Council, a diverse group of physicians who collectively help us remain accountable so that we continue to know and serve you better than any other financial institution does.

* MD Advisor refers to an MD Management Limited Financial Consultant or Investment Advisor (in Quebec), or an MD Private Investment Counsel Portfolio Manager.

1 Our Advisors work primarily on salary — and are not paid any commissions for selling one investment product rather than another. Meeting your unique financial needs as an individual remains their sole purpose.

2 MD Management Limited was the first of the MD Group of Companies to be founded, in 1969. MD Financial Management Inc. wholly owns MD Management Limited. MD Financial Management provides financial products and services, the MD Family of Funds and investment counselling services through the MD Group of Companies.