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We are committed to the highest privacy standards.

At MD, we take the responsibility of safeguarding your personal information very seriously.

Personal information is defined as anything that reveals a distinctive trait that may help others identify you, including your name, address, phone number, email, social insurance number, or account number. It does not include publicly available information such as your business address and telephone number, and other information found in professional directories.

MD Privacy Commitment

Last Updated: September 27th, 2022
The Privacy Commitment is the overarching document which describes how MD adheres to its legislative requirements under PIPEDA and other Canadian privacy laws. At a high level, it outlines how MD meets key privacy principles, such as: transparency, accountability and respect.

MD Privacy Agreement

Last Updated: June 14th, 2024
The Privacy Agreement provides a more detailed overview of MD’s personal information handling practices. The Privacy Agreement examines the type of personal information collected by MD, as well as the purposes for which the data is used and circumstances in which data will be shared or disclosed with other organizations or persons.

MD Digital Privacy and Interest-Based Advertising Policy

Last Updated: October 25th, 2023
The Digital Privacy and Interest-Based Advertising Policy describes how MD uses cookies and other technologies to provide our customers and business partners with personalized products and services.

Careers Online Privacy Statement

Last updated: January 4th, 2010
In order to access and use the recruitment tool made available on the MD Financial Management Inc. (MDFMI) careers portal, you are required to enter personal information about yourself. Please read this Privacy Statement carefully so that you will understand how your personal information will be treated as you make use of the careers portal. By using the careers portal, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Statement.

eHealth Ontario Acceptable Use Policies (29KB)

eHealth Ontario provides the primary hosting environment for the PS Suite ASP product in Ontario. All ASP clients are required to comply with the reasonable access and security policies of eHealth Ontario.

If you have comments, questions or concerns, you can always contact our Chief Privacy Officer.

1870 Alta Vista Dr., Ottawa ON K1G 6R7 or privacy-md@md.ca.

You can also contact the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. The mandate of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) is overseeing compliance with both the Privacy Act, which covers the personal information-handling practices of federal government departments and agencies, and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), Canada's private sector privacy law.

Report a privacy breach

A privacy breach is an incident where your confidential personal information is disclosed to an unauthorized individual or entity. If you have experienced a privacy breach, or suspect that an attempt was made to compromise your private information, we need to hear about it.

Call MD’s Privacy Breach Hotline
1 800-335-1835

Please call us immediately if:

  • you believe your personal information has been stolen or obtained fraudulently either online, by telephone or through any other means;
  • you notice a security issue with our website that may compromise the privacy of our clients’ personal information;
  • you have been the victim of identity theft; or
  • you have any other reason to believe that an unauthorized person has gained access to your personal information.

Email MD’s Privacy Team

Please send us an email to report privacy issues that have not led the unauthorized release of your personal information. These issues include:

  • Phishing: This common scam is designed to trick you into divulging personal information about your MD accounts for the purpose of fraud. Please report any and all phishing attempts you encounter.
  • A mailing error: If you receive a letter, email or fax from MD that’s intended for someone else, please let us know.
  • General concerns and feedback about privacy and our policies/ procedures.

After we receive your email, the MD Privacy Team will begin investigating and contact you during business hours for more information.

Contact Us

If you are having difficulty finding the appropriate contact to address your concern, call MD Client Services at:
1 800 267-2332.