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MD Plus Account logo

Fee-based investing: Your money, your way

MD Plus™

MD Plus™ is MD Management Limited’s fee-based account. With MD Plus, you’ll get comprehensive investment advice from a dedicated MD Advisor. You’ll benefit from advice across the full wealth-management spectrum to meet all your financial needs.

You’ll get access to a more diverse set of investments at a price that decreases as your account grows. With an MD Plus account, you’ll know exactly how much you’ll pay for services and investment advice—before you invest.

If you value an ongoing, face-to-face relationship with an MD Advisor and want to continue to benefit from personalized investment advice, consider MD Plus.

Nearly 50% of Canadian physicians trust us to help them achieve financial well-being.

Learn more

Choose MD Plus if you want:

Complete access to a dedicated MD Advisor

You’ll work with a dedicated MD Advisor and get comprehensive investment advice across the full wealth-management spectrum.

Enhanced advice on a more diverse set of investment options

You’ll get enhanced advice and additional investment options to meet your financial needs, including exchange-traded funds (ETFs), index solutions, MD Funds and third-party mutual funds.

Greater portfolio customization

In an MD Plus account, you can combine active and passive components for additional investment diversification, flexibility and choice via MDPIM index investment pools. While the new pools maintain the investment foundation of broad equity market exposure, MDPIM index pools uniquely exclude tobacco and marijuana-related securities. Only available to MD Management Limited clients via the MD Plus account, these pools are offered at a price comparable to exchange-traded funds and you can set up pre-authorized contributions to purchase the pools.

The pools are:

An MD Plus account may save you money through tiered pricing. By consolidating various accounts in your household, you could benefit from the fact that fees go down as the assets in your account increase. And, you’ll know upfront exactly how much you'll pay for services and investment advice.

What’s more, unlike most Canadian financial institutions, MD does not charge a management and administration fee on the portion of your MD Plus account that is invested in the following:

  • cash
  • MD Money Fund (Series A)
  • certain high-interest savings accounts (Series A)
  • guaranteed investment certificates
  • MD Stable Income Fund

Learn more about our fees

An MD Plus account offers five account options to suit your investment needs, including:

  • investment accounts
  • tax-free savings accounts
  • registered education savings plans
  • registered retirement savings plans
  • registered retirement income funds

Find out more about your investment account options.

Frequently asked questions

MD is evolving to serve you better! MD Plus, our new fee-based account, is the next step in fulfilling our pledge to be completely transparent about all the fees you’re paying for the investment advice and services we deliver (including account administration and custody services).

At MD, we know that everyone’s situation is different. Our range of solutions is designed to meet your needs, so that you can confidently reach your financial goals.

If you value an ongoing, face-to-face relationship with your MD Advisor and want to continue to benefit from personalized investment advice, MD Plus could be right for you.

It depends, as the fees you pay are based on:

  • the value of your assets (you could be eligible for tiered pricing)
  • the type of investment vehicles you own
  • the type of account you hold (MD Plus account fees are generally tax-deductible when they are incurred on a non-registered account)*

An MD Plus account may save you money through tiered pricing. By consolidating various accounts in your household, you could benefit from the fact that fees go down as the assets in your account increase. And you’ll know upfront exactly how much you’ll pay for services and investment advice.

As of January 1, 2018, the fee for your MD Plus account is payable on a quarterly basis. Your quarterly fee is calculated using the average daily market value of your MD Plus account and charged in your account’s currency.

* Fees incurred on registered accounts are not tax-deductible. Please consult with your tax advisor for more information.

What investments can be held in an MD Plus™ account?

An MD Plus account can hold:

  • cash
  • guaranteed investment certificates
  • MD F Series funds
  • MDPIM index pools (MDPIM Canadian Equity Index Pool, MDPIM US Equity Index Pool and MDPIM International Equity Index Pool)
  • most F Series mutual funds
  • mutual funds that do not pay trailer fees
  • most exchange-traded funds
  • investment-grade bonds

While deferred sales charge (DSC) funds cannot be purchased in an MD Plus account, DSC funds that you hold in your current MD Management Limited account can be transferred to an MD Plus account and held there until they can be sold and invested in eligible fee-based holdings.

Talk to an MD Advisor

If you would like more information about the MD Plus account, please contact an MD Advisor or call 1 800 267-2332.