MD Precision PortfoliosTM
Stay focused at every stage of your career
MD Precision Portfolios™ give you the power to diversify your investments with one decision. That’s because each portfolio has a unique asset allocation designed to achieve balanced returns for a given level of risk. So, no matter where you are in your career, you always benefit from an all-in-one investment portfolio focused on your most important goals.
Put intelligent diversification and sophisticated rebalancing to work for you
MD Precision Portfolios automatically rebalance and make tactical portfolio adjustments, as needed, to take advantage of market opportunities and to avoid risks. The potential for higher returns increases with the amount of risk in each portfolio. Your investment goals, combined with your time horizon and tolerance for risk, determine which one is best suited to you.
Each MD Precision Portfolio is a combination of underlying funds — carefully selected, combined and monitored to fulfill a range of risk and return characteristics to help you meet your financial goals. Each MD Precision Portfolio acts as a single mutual fund, actively managed by investment professionals — offering you a convenient investment solution.
- Intelligent diversification by our investment experts results in a wise balance of risk and return.
- A sophisticated rebalancing structure keeps your portfolio’s asset allocation on track and helps you achieve your financial goals.
- Active management ensures your asset allocation is monitored daily, tactical decisions are made at least quarterly, and your portfolio risk is well managed.
- Access to alternative investments complements asset allocation by providing increased diversification.
Investment options
- MD Precision Conservative Portfolio
- MD Precision Balanced Income Portfolio
- MD Precision Moderate Balanced Portfolio
- MD Precision Moderate Growth Portfolio
- MD Precision Balanced Growth Portfolio
- MD Precision Maximum Growth Portfolio
MD Precision Portfolios tactical change
MD Fund Managers are encouraged to make tactical changes from time to time when it is in your best interest. A tactical change allows a manager to temporarily adjust the asset mix in a portfolio beyond its stated objectives.
MD Precision Portfolios tactical asset allocation update
MD makes tactical asset allocation decisions to shift the positioning of your portfolio in response to trends in financial markets. These decisions are made as market conditions change. Through discussions with our research partners, we look for temporary, short-term opportunities that may increase returns and/or reduce the risk of your portfolio. This is distinct from your portfolio’s strategic asset allocation, which maintains a longer-term view.
Latest tactical asset allocation adjustmentsMD Precision Index Portfolios™ are a low-cost, index-tracking portfolio solution that offers another choice to help you meet your financial goals.
Unlike most passive investment solutions, MD Precision Index Portfolios use real-time adjustments to meet changing market conditions. MD Precision Index Portfolios combine our expertise in portfolio construction and tactical asset allocation with low-cost index-tracking pools and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), to offer you more choice with your investments.
- Low-cost index-tracking pools and ETFs
- Real-time adjustments to meet changing market conditions
- Intelligent diversification by our investment experts results in a wise balance of risk and return
- Automatic rebalancing that keeps your portfolio’s asset allocation on track and helps you achieve your financial goals
Investment options

Invest with confidence
Put leading asset global managers and all-in-one convenience to work for you with MD Precision Portfolios. An MD Advisor can help you determine the ones best suited to your goals.
* MD Advisor refers to an MD Management Limited Financial Consultant or Investment Advisor (in Quebec), or an MD Private Investment Counsel Portfolio Manager.