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Medical school cost calculator

How much does medical school cost in Canada? Use the tool below to calculate the all-in costs of your medical school education, from tuition to books, living expenses and more.

The cost of tuition, fees, books, and even the length of your program can vary significantly from school to school.


How much will medical school really cost?

We all know that med school is expensive — but just how much is it really going to cost you? From tuition, to rent, to residency matching expenses, get a clearer view of your costs by building and tracking a personalized med school budget.

Start by selecting a medical school.

The year-to-year cost of med school varies significantly — we've broken it down by year so you can be better prepared for what comes next.

Average Costs
Average costs are estimated costs based on available data and our deep experience helping students like you navigate med school finances — they provide a rough guideline for building your budget.

Want to play around with these values and see how you compare to the average med student at your school?

Enter your real costs here

Where did this information come from?

MD Financial Management has been helping med students and physicians manage their finances for more than 50 years, and based on our decades of experience and deep research, we've curated the data included in this tool and are continually keeping it up to date.

Tuition costs are actual Canadian medical school tuition costs from the 2023/2024 academic year. All fees are reported in Canadian dollars, not taking into account any tax credits that may apply.

Cost data for all non-tuition related fields are inflation-adjusted estimates based on the average costs at each school and location of study.

Resources for students

For more great tools and information to help you on your journey through medical school, check out onboardMD.

Curious about how to fund your medical school education?

Check out Scotiabank's banking solutions for medical students.

What’s new with MD

Go beyond the numbers with our best thinking on investing, personal finance and well-being for physicians.

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Last year of medical school?

It’s time. Residency matching and electives can be expensive, but don’t worry, things will balance out. After many years of school, you will soon have a regular source of income which raises new questions for your finances. Meet with an MD Advisor* today to learn more.

* MD Advisor refers to an MD Management Limited Financial Consultant or Investment Advisor (in Quebec).