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It’s an exciting time in your career, full of new experiences and transitions — and you probably have questions. Whether you’re wondering about your finances — budgeting, borrowing, investing — or thinking about the next steps in your medical journey, we can help with physician-focused advice, products and services.

  • Medical
  • Transitioning
    to residency
  • Transitioning
    to practice

Banking advice and solutions for medical students.

Scotia Professional Student Plan Line of Credit

Stay on top of the CaRMS process.

Tips and advice for medical students

What you need to know before you start investing.

Heading to the United States for a fellowship? Here are your visa options.

How much does a medical resident get paid?

Tips and advice for a smooth transition to residency

Got questions about transitioning to practice?

Financial advice is more than investing advice.

How much do doctors get paid?

Tips and advice for a successful transition to practice