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Invest your way through MD

Physician-focused investing and financial advice, delivered your way.
MD Financial Suite logo

No two physicians are the same. Our custom suite of investing services are designed to let you manage your finances your way. At MD, our priority is the financial well-being of Canada’s physicians and their families, so our services are priced below industry averages.1

The MD Financial Suite is set up so you can invest how you want, when you want and where you want.

What kind of investor are you?

Take the quiz

Advisor Managed


MD PlusTM accounts (MD Management Limited) - Comprehensive advice across the full wealth management spectrum

With MD Plus, you and your family will receive personalized investment advice from dedicated MD Advisors*.

  • Manage more investment options and potential tax benefits.
  • Benefit from tiered pricing – the percentage you pay in investment account fees goes down as the assets in your account increase. Take advantage of lower fees the more you invest. Plus, bundling your MD Private Investment Counsel (MDPIC) or MD Plus™ accounts with a family member could lower your investment account fees.

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MD Private Investment Counsel - Discretionary wealth management and worry-free investing

MD Private Investment Counsel (MDPIC) offers discretionary investment management for clients with complex or evolving needs.

  • Benefit from an experienced MDPIC Portfolio Manager dedicated to your unique financial needs.
  • Spend less time managing your money.
  • Access investment expertise from asset managers from around the world.

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MD Signature (MD Management Limited, MD Private Investment Counsel) – Elevated service and specialized advice

MD Signature Private Wealth Management eliminates the complexity of managing your own wealth and helps you simplify your life.

  • Benefit from an elevated level of personalized advice and comprehensive service — built uniquely around you.
  • Receive specialized expertise for more complex financial planning needs in investment strategy, estate and trust, insurance, incorporation and tax planning
  • Enjoy support from an entire MD Signature team with deep knowledge — seamlessly coordinated through your MD Signature Advisor.
  • Access tiered pricing, exclusive events and more

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Managed Account


MD ExO Direct (MD Management Limited) - Low-cost, digital investing and advice—made simple

This digital investment platform provides customized portfolios that rebalance automatically, backed by advice and support when you need it.

  • Manage your portfolio on your terms and your own time.
  • Match your goals and risk tolerance to expertly constructed portfolios.
  • Gain advice and answers from the MD ExO advisors via phone, email or chat.

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Self Directed


Scotia iTRADE - Discount brokerage with low commission structure and access to a wide variety of investment research tools

MD clients have direct access to Scotia iTRADE, a powerful trading platform with the technology and educational resources to enable investors of any level to reach the goals that matter to them.

  • Access analyst resources, technical analysis, and 24/7 online access.
  • Pursue investment opportunities in companies aligned to your values through sustainable investing tools. Leverage tools and resources to support your investments and monitor markets.

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MD Financial Suite

MD Signature Private Wealth Management MD Private Investment CounselMD Plus™ accountMD ExO® DirectScotia iTrade®
Investor mindsetAdvisor-led investorAutonomous investorSelf-directed investor
“I want to work with an Advisor who delivers an elevated level of service and specialized advice — built uniquely around me” “I want to work with a Portfolio Manager who makes all of the decisions about my investments” “I want to work with an Advisor and be involved in decision-making” “I’m comfortable setting up and monitoring my portfolio online through an automated investment service, with access to a team of Associates.” “I want to do my own research and trading”
Asset minimum
Open an account with as little as $25 uncheckeduncheckeduncheckedunchecked
$500 or as little as $25/month of pre-authorized contributions uncheckeduncheckedauncheckedunchecked
$200,000 for advisory services through video conference or $750,000 for in-person advisory services uncheckeduncheckeduncheckedunchecked
$3,000,000 in investable household assets uncheckeduncheckeduncheckedunchecked
Level of service
Online trading uncheckeduncheckedunchecked
Online-guided investing uncheckeduncheckeduncheckedunchecked
Comprehensive financial plan **unchecked
Enhanced financial planning uncheckeduncheckeduncheckedunchecked
Elevated level of service and support uncheckeduncheckeduncheckedunchecked
Exclusive events uncheckeduncheckeduncheckedunchecked
Dedicated MD Advisor* uncheckeduncheckedunchecked
MDPIC Portfolio Manager uncheckeduncheckeduncheckedunchecked
MD Signature Advisory Team (Advisor e, Planner, Client Associate) uncheckeduncheckeduncheckedunchecked
MD Signature Private Wealth Strategy Team uncheckeduncheckeduncheckedunchecked
Investment options
MD Funds uncheckeduncheckedb
MD Precision Portfolios™ uncheckedcunchecked
MDPIM Pools duncheckedunchecked
Third-party mutual funds uncheckedunchecked
Exchange-traded funds uncheckedunchecked
Bonds uncheckedunchecked
GICs uncheckedunchecked
Stocks uncheckeduncheckeduncheckedunchecked
Advisory services
Investing unchecked
Financial planning **unchecked
Incorporation planning uncheckedunchecked
Estate and trust ***unchecked
Insurancef ***unchecked
Tax uncheckeduncheckeduncheckedunchecked

Talk to an MD Advisor*

If you would like more information about these services, please contact your MD Advisor.